The Theory and Practice of Statistical Ecology
Currently Funded Research Projects
I am an ecologist and evolutionary biologist whose area of specialization is statistical in- ference for stochastic processes in Ecology and Evolution. I both develop novel, statistical approaches based on fundamental, stochastic processes, and apply these tools to basic and applied problems. My currently funded research projects are a reflection of the three main areas I have sought out to grow during my career:
Using stochastic processes to model the evolution of antibiotic resistance in plasmid-bacteria population dynamics. This was the topic of my dissertation, which I have developed in collaboration with Dr. Eva M Top over more than 16 years.
Evidential statistics and statistical science. The use of statistics in science is a topic dear to my heart. Although mathematics has been recognized as a fundamental tool ecologists can use to learn from the natural world, the central tenet of this second area of my research program is that effective use of this tool requires learning to filter scientific arguments through the sieve of statistical argumentation.
Stochastic population dynamics in ecology and its links to evolutionary dynamics. This study area encompasses extinction dynamics, community ecology and statistical phylogenetics. Though seemingly disparate, these topics are unified because they all involve stochasticity at a fundamental level. These topics share multiple conceptual threads that go well beyond the methodological and stochastic processes is the tool that bridges the gap between theory and common, practical questions confronted routinely by empiricists in these areas.
Evidential statistics
with mark taper, brian Dennis and Subhash lele
For many years, there has been a growing understanding of the importance of theory in Ecology and Evolution, with theory being an organized complex of models. Functionally, science works by comparing models. Science progresses when old (possibly good) models are replaced with better models. Evidential statistics is an honest approach whose primordial premise is to avoid the true model assumption. The core inferential entity is the evidence function, which is a data based estimate of the relative distance of two models to truth or reality. In classical error statistics, the strength of evidence is conceived of as synonymous with the error probability. In evidential statistics, the evidence and the error probabilities are distinct statistical entities, both of inferential interest.
As different as this all seems from classical and Bayesian statistics, most inference tools can be viewed evidentially in a single coherent framework, including model identification, model uncertainty estimation, parameter estimation, parameter uncertainty estimation, pre-data error control, post-data strength of evidence and the design of experiments. Despite all these advantages, the evidential statistics approach is largely unknown to working scientists.
The aim of this research topic is to rectify this widespread ignorance by informing working scientist of the utility and flexibility of evidential statistics. We put together a special issue with both papers that convey basic concepts and papers that convey technical subtleties sufficient to conduct real scientific research, as well as practical advice that can be easily incorporated into the teaching of undergraduate and graduate courses. The topic consists of a mix of new original research, reviews, commentaries and perspectives on topics related to evidential statistics (see article types).
stochastic community dynamics applied to studies of the vaginal microbial flora
with larry j forney and jacques ravel
In this NIH funded study we use ecological theory and stochastic processes to define changes in the composition, structure and function of vaginal bacterial communities as well as host responses that elicit vaginal signs and symptoms. By doing so we aim at increasing our understanding of factors that contribute to homeostasis of healthy vaginal microbiomes. To do this we leverage a unique set of samples and metadata that were prospectively collected daily by 135 women for 10 weeks as part of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) between 2009-2010. In this study, women completed daily diaries in which they reported vaginal symptoms including vaginal odor, discharge, irritation, burning, and itching as well as behavioral data. Once per day women self-collected vaginal samples to determine vaginal pH and Nugent scores (for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis) and archived samples for use in determining the composition of vaginal bacterial communities, their metagenomes, host and microbe gene expression patterns, metabolomes and profiles of cytokines and chemokines reflecting the status of the immune system.
evolution of antibiotic resistance
with eva m top, ben kerr and houra merrikh
Newly acquired multi-drug resistance (MDR) plasmids are often not stably maintained in the absence of antibiotics. However, we and others have shown that single mutations in the bacterial host, the plasmid, or both can rapidly improve the persistence of these plasmids.
These genetic changes either ameliorate the plasmid fitness cost to the host or decrease the plasmid loss rate during cell division. We and others recently showed that the reduction in cost of a newly acquired plasmid can be (directly or indirectly) linked to chromosomally encoded helicases. Specifically, our results suggest that mutations in accessory helicase genes (uvrD and xpd/rad3) improved the persistence of a self-transmissible MDR plasmid by amelioration of the plasmid fitness cost. This is consistent with a study showing that in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, mutations in a gene encoding a putative accessory helicase reduced plasmid cost. Importantly, we also showed for the first time that these chromosomal mutations can pre-adapt the bacteria to other MDR plasmids, leading to their enhanced persistence (which we refer to as increase in plasmid permissiveness). This suggests that bacteria with increased permissiveness can serve as stable repositories for multiple MDR plasmids, eventually generating strains with an expanded arsenal of resistance genes. This possibility has never been tested. Furthermore, our findings suggest that plasmid-helicase interactions may be critical for the retention of newly acquired MDR plasmids, and may serve as new drug targets. Unfortunately, the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of helicase and other mutations on plasmid cost and persistence are still not known.
In this multidisciplinary NIH-funded project we propose to test the following hypotheses: (i) chromosomal plasmid-adaptive mutations can pre-adapt bacteria to other MDR plasmids; (ii) this plasmid permissiveness can expand the spectrum of antibiotic resistance traits within a bacterial species; and (iii) accessory helicases are linked to the persistence of newly acquired MDR plasmids across a wide spectrum of bacterial pathogens. These hypotheses are tested using a combination of molecular techniques and bacteria-plasmids population dynamics models fitted to experimental time series data.
the evolution of diversity in anthrax
with jason k blackburn, sadie ryan, Bob holt and wayne getz
In this NIH funded study we use a multi-pronged approach to study the genetic and the ecological aspects of pathogens whose transmission is environmentally-mediated. This type of transmission is the primary mode of infection for a number of important multi-host diseases in wildlife and livestock, including several zoonoses (diseases that spillover into humans) and is explicitly linked to host movements and foraging in areas where the pathogen is maintained in environmental reservoirs. Calculating the basic reproduction number R0 in such systems requires that we estimate the contribution of each reservoir to new cases. In contrast to traditional basic reproduction number estimates, this requires modeling interactions between naïve (susceptible) hosts and stationary environmental reservoirs. To do this we must unpack the transmission process into its pathogen shedding, environmental persistence, and host contact (pathogen ingestion or inhalation) components. Such contact rates can be characterized from a combination of local host movement and foraging patterns driven by larger-scale seasonal resource selection. Persistent environmental pathogen reservoirs can be modelled as individual, local infectious zones (LIZs) with their own demography and spatial distribution; the life history of these LIZs influence host foraging locally. In this 4-year EEID project, we provide a novel combined geospatial and mathematical approach for estimating R0 for environmentally-mediated transmission. We will then assess the efficacies of control strategies impacting different components of the transmission process.
Myrmelastes hyperythrus territories in the Cocha Cashu Biological Station then and now, via spotmapping.
Evaluating Changes in the Structure and Organization of an Amazonian Bird Community after 3 decades
with Ari Martinez, Juan Pablo Gomez, Scott Robinson, John Terborgh and many others
The amazing Ari Martinez landed a National Geographic Young Explorer award and funded large-scale bird census aiming at recapitulating the large work done in the 80’s and 90’s by Scott Robinson and his then advisor John Terborgh. I’ve worked with Ari since he was a PhD student here at UF. He is now Faculty at CSULB. In this project, I helped him in all the planning for the statistical sampling methodology and did in-the-field testing and observer error calibration of all the observers participating in the study, (including Scott) and John Fitzpatrick (the current director of Cornell’s ornithology lab). At this stage in my academic life, a total immersion in field work, pre-dawn walks in the forest and lots of time to think was a crucial and key moment in my life. After 20 years of theory immersion I worked again with neotropical birds, mistnets and point counts censuses (my first love in biology) and it was immensely refreshing because I was reminded of many evolutionary ecology questions I once was very interested in tackling and that now I have a much better idea of how to approach. I am really thankful of the opportunity because it was the research “resetting” that I so much needed.
While there we shaped research questions, formulate new questions and avenues of research, and we are currently working on a series of manuscripts and analyses. Finally, as a statistician in the research station I ended up teaching an in promptu statistical ecology course to a few Peruvian undergraduate biology students and helping them with their experimental designs and statistical testing. It was refreshing to interact with students while in the field, and hungry for answers and statistical approaches.
dimensions of biodiversity with stuart mcdaniel, michelle mack and noah fierer
In this NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity project, we are attempting to model the role of bryophyte genetic and phylogenetic variation in driving the assembly and function of their associated microbial community, and second the interactions between these dimension of biodiversity that influence Arctic and boreal ecosystem processes. Although it is clear that microbes are critical components of living systems at all levels of biological organization, the long-term role of the interdependencies between host genotype and microbiome in the generation and maintenance of biodiversity are poorly understood. To fill this gap, the PIs will combine genomic and metagenomic tools with
new phylogenetic and distribution modeling approaches to determine the role of microbiome niche conservatism and host local adaptation in shaping the response of Arctic and boreal biodiversity to planetary re-engineering climate change. The experimental approach has three integrated aims: Characterize the feather moss microbiome and its function in a phylogenetic context, identify factors governing microbiome assembly and function and evaluate network model predictions using LTER sites. This work is innovative in its use of genotype distribution models and LTER experimental sites to understand the dynamic feedbacks between ecosystem composition and function.
Sharing ornithology research methods with Park Rangers from Manu National Park, Peru